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FCHS offers a number of publications. Here is the most updated list:


Books with history and information about Fulton County people


Rochester, pictorial history of Rochester, Indiana, by Shirley Willard with the Fulton County Historical Society, 2010, soft cover, 128 pages, 230 black & white photos, includes Horse & Buggy Days; Cars, Trains and Airplanes; Public Buildings and Businesses; Lake Manitou and Tippecanoe River; Military and Police; Schools and Sports; Historic Architecture – Churches and Houses; Famous People; Circus, Fairs and Festivals; and Recreation and Clubs. $22.00


Civil War Soldiers of Fulton County, Ind., by Waldo Adams, 1963, reprinted 1998, 29 p., soft cover, $6.00.


Fulton County Historic Sites & Structures, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, 1987, 85 p., soft cover, contains history of all towns & townships, outstanding buildings, many old and many new photos $8.00


How to Build & Love Your Own Round Barn, 2000, includes The Round Barn by Wilbur J. Fraser, published by University of Illinois in 1918, The Original Round Barn – Building Plan Book, , by Bob & Kathy Frydenlund, reprint of 1910 University of Illinois book, includes both books on CD. , $25.00


How to Build & Love your Own Round Barn, 2000, includes the Round Barn by Wilbur J Fraser, published by University of Illinois in 1918, Cost $15.00 The Original Round Barn – Building Plan Book, , by Bob & Kathy Frydenlund, reprint of 1910 University of Illinois book, Cost $15.00


Fulton County Round Barns, by Doris Hood, 1971, Xeroxed, shows 17 round barns and tells history, 20 p., soft cover, updated by Shirley Willard, $3.00.


A Round Indiana – Round Barns in the Hoosier State, 1993, John T. Hanou, b&w photographs, line drawings, catalog notes, bibliography, includes Kindig family, index. Contains Fulton County barns, soft cover, 144 p., $30.00.


Book by Jack K. Overmyer, owner & publisher of Rochester Sentinel Gatherings – Memories, People, Travel, Reflections and Amusements, by Jack K. Overmyer, 2005, soft cover 208 p., $18.00 Limited number available.


Grandma’s Berry Patch, Lois Baldwin, 1983, 228 p.m. soft cover, recipes of wild foods plants, Indian legends, $8.00


It’s About Time – Poetry of My Lifetime, by Nina Warner Lynch, 2006, b&w photos, drawings, soft cover, 322 p., $19.00


Sketches & Poems by Paul Nellans, Rochester, 18 p.. xeroxed, $4.00


You Don’t Cry for Heroes – A Viet Nam Journal & the P.O.W. Dilemma, Frank D. Simons, 1988, 196 p.m. plus 12 p., Epilogue 1990, soft cover, $6.00.


The Killing Stones, Margel Craig, 1992, 2 years in Peace Corps in Papua New Guinea, 241 p., soft cover, $5.00 .


Historical Novels Murder in the Blood, Gene DeWeese, 2002, 288 p., mystery set in Fulton County, $26.00


Mother Daughter Sister, fiction set in Fulton County, Susan Lybrook Phillips, 120 p., hard cover, $9.00 The Movers, Nancy N. Baxter, 1987, A saga of the Scotch Irish who settled in the Midwest, 516 p., soft cover, $15,00


The Dream Divided, Nancy N. Baxter, 1990, contains Civil War, historic fictions, 706 p., soft cover, $15.00


Adventures of Alexia – A Lake Maxinkuckee Girl 1885, by Marcia Adams, assisted by FCHS, 2007, soft cover, 104 p., b&w pictures, $20.00


Alone – The Journey of the Boy Sims, 2008, Alan K. Garinger, fictional story of a true event recorded in 1833 survey when an accident caused the surveying team to lose its ink at the Tippecanoe River north of Rochester. They sent a 13- year- old boy to walk to Detroit to get more ink. On the way he encounters Johnny Appleseed, canal builders, runaway slaves chief Menominee and others. 184 p., b&w illustrations, soft cover, $8.


Overmyer History & Genealogy 1680-1905, by Barnhart B. Overmyer and John Calvin Overmyer. (reprint) 297 pages plus index, includes b & w photos; soft cover $30, hard cover $40.


Doc, Memories of a Life in Public Service, by Dr. Otis Bowen, Governor of Indiana 1973-80, Sec. Of Health & Human Services 1985-88, 240 pages, 34 photos, index, hard cover, $25.00


Surgeon on Horseback – Dr. Charles Brackett of Rochester in Civil War 1861-1863, James Wheaton, 1999, 250 p., hard cover, $25.00.


Fulton County Folks vol. 1, 1972, reprinted 2000, ed. Shirley Willard, index by Wendell Tombaugh, 74 chapters of family histories, b&w photos, hard cover, $35.00


Fulton County Folks Vol. 2, 1981, ed. Shirley Willard, 668 pages, hard cover, 70 chapters of genealogy & county history, many photos, 4 maps. $35.00. Out of print – working on getting reprinted with index. This will be made into two books because of the size.


Home Folks Vol. 1 & 2, 1910 by Marguerite Miller, A series of stories by old settlers of Fulton County, Indiana, reprint, 266 p., hard cover $10.00.


Wagoner, Waggoner Wagner Family History, by Clark R. Wagner, 1941, no index but good table of contents, 304 p. b&w photos, Xeroxed, $15.00.


Baldwin Genealogy 660 A.D. -1988, by William Joseph Baldwin, 40 pages, hard cover, b&w photos, $30.00


Shields Genealogy, by Becky Hardin, 105 pages, index, soft cover, $6.00.


The Earl of Burton, by J. Robert Mathias, 2006, b&w photos, author’s father’s life as a farmer in Burton community in 1920-30s, singing for Billy Sunday, picnics, blizzard, raising horses. Soft cover, 145 p., $10.00


Bob of Burton, by J Robert Mathias, 2007, b & w photos, author’s childhood on the farm, attending Burton School, Burton Church, blizzard of 1926, train hit school bus in 1928, racing pony Queenie at fair, soft cover, 197 p., $15.00


School Bells, by J. Robert Mathias, 2007, b&w photos, author’s experiences as a student in Burton and Rochester High, Wabash & DePauw colleges, teaching at Shipshewana and Rochester, Indiana; Colorado, California and Brazil., soft cover, 290 p., $17.00


Ramblings, by J. Robert Mathias, 2007, color photos, author’s experiences of traveling and living overseas with his family 1969-1990s in Brazil, Europe, Thailand, Egypt, Hawaii and U.S. Soft cover, 8 ½ x 11, 343 p., large print, $25.00.


Amazing Observations, by J. Robert Mathias, 2007, b&w photos, Eye, Ear & Nose poppers: Yosemite hoar frost, skunk collision, white redwoods, Nazi perfume, upheavals in the earth, draft horse breeding, coon invasion, acorns, jack rabbits, elk hunting in the San Juans, turkey jamboree, much more. Soft cover with spiral binding, 8 ½ x 11, 264 p. with 27 p. addition, large print, $20.00.


A Yank Goes Abroad – At the Request of Uncle Sam, by J. Robert Mathias, 2008, the author’s experiences in World War II, including being captured in the Battle of the Bulge, working as a medic and setting up a prisoner of war camp for captured German soldiers. Black & white photos and maps. Soft cover with spiral binding, 8 ½ x 11, large print, 129 pages + 14 pages of history and a letter from his wife when she sent him a corncob for a joke, $12.00


Goldie, by J. Robert Mathias, 2009, memories of his mother, a farm wife at Burton neighborhood in Fulton County, during the Great Depression, vivid descriptions of milking cows, gardening and canning, dealing with gypsies, etc. Also remembrances by Joe Mathias, June Mathias Grove, Rev. Suzanne Burwell Grove, Charlotte McCrosky, and Sheri Mathias Hansen. Black & white photos including one of Goldie with her long ankle-length hair which she sold in 1932 to buy Christmas presents for her family. Soft cover with spiral binding, 8 ½ x 11, large print, 129 pages, $10.00.


Maudie – A Waif to a Legend, Robert Mathias, 2009, historical fiction about a little girl in England during the Industrial Revolution who was forcibly taken in a filthy ship to Australia, where she succeeded in setting up a sheep ranch as a home for other undesirables expelled from England. Illustrated with drawings and a map. Soft cover with spiral binding, 8 ½ x 11, large print, 112 pages, $10.00.


Books by Alan McPherson of Kewanna Notable American Indians of Indiana and Adjacent States, 2007, Alan McPherson and James Carr, contains biographies and b&w hand-drawn portraits of 31 Indians from Apekonit (William Wells) to Winibiset (Main Pock), soft cover, 231 p. $19.00


Indian Names in Indiana, 1993, Alan McPherson, 112 p., soft cover. $12.50


Indiana Indians, 32 p., illustrated, history of 15 tribes, by Alan McPherson, coloring book, $3.00


Botanic Gems – Indiana Public Gardens including Greater Chicago, Dayton, Cincinnati & Louisville, 2009, by Alan McPherson, 125 pages, colored photos, soft cover, $25.00


Journeys to the Past – A Traveler’s Guide to Indiana State Historical Markers, 2007, Alan McPherson, b&w photos, contains all historical markers erected by Indiana Historical Bureau, soft cover, 8 ½ x 11, 278 p., $24.00


Temples of Knowledge – Andrew Carnegie’s Gift to Indiana, by Alan McPherson, b&w photos and history of Carnegie funded libraries in Indiana, soft cover, 240 p., $25.00


Hoosiers – Illustrated Origins of Indiana Sobriquets – Alan McPherson, 1996, 35 p., soft cover, $6.00.


Paddle Indiana, Alan McPherson, 2000, 399 p., maps, photos, index, appendix, soft cover, $23.00


Indiana Birds, Alan McPherson, 32 p., soft cover, coloring book, $3.50


Indiana A – Z, Alan McPherson, 32 p., soft cover, coloring book, $3.50

Wild Food Plants of Indiana & Adjacent States, Alan McPherson & Sue Clark, 1977, soft cover, 215 p., b&w illustrations, index. $19.00


Indiana History Game – Heading for Indiana board game by Joe Mathias, $10.00 American Indian Books Frances Slocum the Lost Sister of the Wyoming – The Story of a Quaker Girl’s Abduction and Life Among the Miami Indians, by John Franklin Meginness, 2011, 209 p., $18.00.


Still Here 2008, - A Pictorial of Indiana’s Native American People, by Mike Floyd & Kevin Howell, including Algonquin Dictionary, photos of people at Trail of Courage and other festivals & Pow Wow’s, soft cover, 208 p., b&w photos, $20.00. Other years are available also.


Heart of a Warrior – The True Saga of Sweet Breeze and William Wells, 2008, by Joseph Krom, soft cover, 394 p., $20.00.


Walking the Trail of Death, 2007, Keith Drury, describes author’s trek in 2006 walking 600 miles from Indiana to Kansas on the Potawatomi Trail of Death & meeting Potawatomi who had ancestors on the 1838 forced removal, b&w photos, soft cover, 164 pages, $15.00


Daughter of the Rising Moon – Portrait of a Potawatomi Storyteller, 2007, Rev. William Barnaby Faherty, historical novel about a Potawatomi woman whose ancestors were on the Trail of Death, her life and family in 1940s Kansas, soft cover, 107 pages, $15.00.


The Last Blackrobe of Indiana - Father Petit and the Potawatomi Trail of Death, 2006, John William McMullen, historical novel, soft cover, 423 p., glossary, biographical sketches, epilogue by Susan Campbell, appendix by Shirley Willard, map. $24.00


Snakes in the Grass L’Anguille, 2007, Mike Floyd, history of the Floyd family and asserts that Eel River Tribe is really transplanted Welshmen, b&w photos, soft cover, 312 p.. $20.00


Potawatomi Trail of Death, 2003, Shirley Willard & Susan Campbell, all the primary sources in one book: Father Petit letters, 1838 diary, some John Tipton letters, Chief Menominee, William Polke, St. Philippine Duchesne, muster rolls, maps, George Winter pictures of those on Trail of Death, biographies of Potawatomi families with ancestors on Trail of Death, bibliography, index, 448 p., soft cover, $40.00


19th Century Plains Indian Dresses, 2004, Susan Jennys, color photos, references, 98 p., soft cover $20.00 Isaac McCoy and the American Indians, 2002, Carol Spurlock Layman, a novelized memoir of Baptist missionary to Potawatomi in Indiana and Michigan in 1820-30s and later in Kansas. 460 p., index, soft cover, $21.00 Meet George Winter, 2001, Kitty Dye, life of artist who sketched Indians in 1830s in Fulton, Cass and Miami counties, 231 p., index, b&w photos, soft cover $18.00. Trail of Death Regional Historic Trail, 60 pages, contains the story of the 1988, 1993, 1998, & 2003 caravans, resolutions passed by legislatures of Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas declaring it a Regional Historic Trail, plus pictures of all 74 historical markers in all 4 states. $8.50 Trail of Death Documentary Video, Story of the forced removal of the Mission band of Potawatomi Indians from Indiana to Kansas in 1838, 26 minutes, by Wayne Harvey, 1988, shown on PBS TV Elkhart, Ind., 1992. Contains only historic pictures, nothing modern- illustrated with maps and dioramas at Field Museum of Chicago, a few scenes from Trail of Courage in 1988 such as Bill Wamego as Chief Menominee in jail wagon. DVD $23.00 Trail of Death 1838 Diary, condensed & edited by Shirley Willard & Judy Cecrle, produced by FCHS - 150th anniversary 1988, references, 8 p., 8 ½ x 11, pages suitable for framing, plastic cover. $3.00 Messah (Mas-saw) & Jim Thorpe, 2003, Dagmar Thorpe & Shirley Willard, 12 p., soft cover, $2.00. Trail of Death - 1988 caravan, ed. Shirley Willard, 210 p., soft cover, story of retracing the 1838 Trail of Death removal of Potawatomi Indians & genealogy of Potawatomi Smith family, $10.00 Indians and a Changing Frontier: The Art of George Winter, Indiana Historical Society, 1993, 269 pages, color plates, 312 duotones. Contains Winter’s sketches of Potawatomi and Miami Indians in Fulton, Cass, and Miami counties, 1837 treaty, Trail of Death 1838. Hard cover. $25.00 Where Two Worlds Meet – The Great Lakes Fur Trade, by Carolyn Gilman, 1982, soft cover, 136 p., $15.00 The Potawatomis - Keepers of the Fire, by R. David Edmunds, 1978, 362 p., soft cover, $25.00 More Indian Lore, by E.W. Lamb & L.W. Shultz, 1968, reprint, 269 p., soft cover, indexed. $11.00 The Miami Indians of Indiana - A Persistent People 1654-1994, by Stewart Rafert, references, index, Indiana Historical Society, 1996, 358 p., soft cover $17.00 Maconaquah's Story - The Saga of Frances Slocum, revised, by Kitty Dye, 2000, 176 p. $18.00. Beads & Beadwork of the American Indians, 2000, based on 1929 & 1975 manuscripts, William C. Orchard, Heye Museum of American Indians, 132 p., b&w illustrations, soft cover, $17.00 Lords of the Rivers, Nancy N. Baxter, contains Trail of Death as told by woman who went on it in 1838,historic fiction, 442 p., soft cover, $15.00. All the Bright Sons of the Morning, Nancy N. Baxter, 1992, a pre-Miami family in the mound building era in the Midwest, historic fiction, 454 p., soft cover, $15,00. Indian Names in Indiana, by Alan McPherson, 1993, 112 p., soft cover. $12.50 Notable American Indians of Indiana and Adjacent States, 2007, Alan McPherson and James Carr, contains biographies and b&w hand-drawn portraits of 31 Indians from Apekonit (William Wells) to Winibiset (Main Pock), soft cover, 231 p. $19.00 Indian postcards: Chief Menominee monument, color photo .53 Chief White Eagle, color photo .53 Chief Kee-wau-nay, Potawatomi, black & white pen & ink drawing, by Don Kegarise .53 Chief Aubbeenaubbee, Potawatomi, black & white pen & ink drawing, by Don Kegarise .53 Round Barn Souvenirs Clock made of old redwood lumber from 1912 McCrosky little round barn, battery powered, $36.75 Fulton County Round Barn Festival plates, circle those desired: 1972 Clevenger, 1974 Smiley, 1975 Partridge, 1976 Brucker, 1977 Cox, 1978 Paxton, 1979 Utter – Gerig. $10.00 each. Fulton County Round Barn Festival cups, 1979 Utter Gerig round barn, $5.00 Round Barn Museum rubber magnet, shape of state of Indiana with round barn, $1.10 Fulton County Round Barn Festival wooden nickels, 1971-85, $0.25 each Pasture Brook red round barn (Utter-Gerig) color 8x10 picture, $1.00 Fulton County Round Barn Museum b&w 10x14 print by Don Kegarise, $7.00 Fulton County Round Barn Museum framed print above, $12.00 Round barn pin of pewter, $6.50 Magnet, shape of state of Indiana, wood with laser cut, circle desired: round barn or cardinal, $3.65 Caps, blue denim with embroidered Round Barn Museum, Rochester, Ind. $9.45. T shirt with embroidered round barn museum, sizes M – XL $15.00, XXL – 3X $18.00 (Circle size.) T Shirt with screen printed Round Barn Museum, sizes M or XL $15.00, XXL or 3X $18.00. (Circle size) Fulton County Images FULTON COUNTY IMAGES Volumes 1-2 Cost $12 each; Volumes 3-5 Cost $15 each FCI No. 1, 1991: Leedy - Paxton Round Barn restored - now Museum, Elmo Lincoln/Tarzan’s Daughter Visits, Aubbeenaubbee Township & Leiters Ford School History, Mt. Hope School, Delong School, Rochester Water Works, Fulton County Photos 1910- 1919. $12.00 FCI No. 2, 1993: Living History Village called Loyal beside Fulton County Museum, 1852 Oregon Trail diary, Curtis Family & Meat Market, Raders Receive Homestead Award, Rochester Filling Stations, Mastodon bones found in Fulton County, Rochester Normal University & list of graduates, Aubbeenaubbee Township School History – part 2, Fulton County Photos 1910-1919, Trail of Death Commemorative Caravan. $12.00 FCI No. 3, 1995: William Polke – his family & house, I Barely Knew Magoo – Jack Mattice, Kewanna 1904, Memories of a Kewanna childhood, Kewanna Characters & High Jinks – part 2, Wildermuths come to Indiana, Where is Loyal Indiana, Fulton County Photos 1890-1920. $15.00 FCI No. 4, 1998: Woodrow School & one room schools of neighborhood: Sawmill, Ebenezer, Union, Green Oak, School 16, Mt. Zion, Sprinkleburg, Mudsock. John E. Troutman – poet of Lake Manitou, William Polke’s writings, Polke Hill Farm, Smith – Nicholson Historic House, 1904 Double Murder & Suicide, 1872 Map, Haimbaugh and Huffman round barns saved, Living History Village gets more buildings. $15.00 FCI No. 5, 2000: 1998 Trail of Death Commemorative Caravan from Indiana to Kansas, Additions to Loyal - Living History Village, Athens Cider Mill & Swartz family history, Tippecanoe River Monster Killed in 1872, 1886-1887 Diary of Annie Perschbacher of Tiosa, Ruth Kelley Rockey’s Memories, More about Woodrow School, Harry Martin – Auto Racing Pioneer Killed in 1913, A Century of Fulton County in Photos 1900-1999, Richland Township Schools, Stores, Lodges, Churches, Richland Center High School Memories, A Tribute to Paul Rockwell. $15.00 Fulton County Historical Society Quarterlies, 1963-1990, various lengths and prices. For list of subjects, email or better yet, visit the Fulton County Museum gift shop. Trail of Courage commemorative folders with history, pictures, 4 p., $1.00 each Chief Kee-wau-nay on 1837 removal from Indiana to Kansas, 1999 Potawatomi Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas in 1838, 2000. Chief Menominee on 1838 Trail of Death from Indiana to Kansas, 2001 Badger Wahwasuck, Prairie Band Potawatomi, 2002 Mas-saw & great-grandson Jim Thorpe, World’s Greatest Athlete, 2003 Chief Shipshewano, 2004 George Godfrey of Bergeron family, Citizen Potawatomi Nation, 2005 Chief Keesis, Prairie Band Potawatomi, 2006 Smokey McKinney, Prairie Band Potawatomi, 2007 Chief Abram Burnett, full-blood Potawatomi on Trail of Death, 2008 Eddie Joe Mitchell and Chief We-wis-sa, Prairie Band, 2009 Potawatomi Trail of Death Assn., 2010 George Winter prints Complete set of 8 George Winter prints of Potawatomi sketched in 1837-1838 in Fulton County, $80.00 for the set of eight or 3 for $30.00. (Circle which desired.) Notes on the back identify place, some people and what they are doing. The prints measurer 8x10 inches and are on high-quality vanilla-colored stock suitable for framing. Prints are b&w or brown & white. Mas-saw’s Card Party – 4 women play euchre or poker in Mas-saw’s log cabin near Lake Kee-wau-nay, $12.00 Yuh-youh-tche-chick - game similar to quoits (tossing a stone or ball toward a target) in Kee-wau-nay’s village, Fulton County, Indiana. $12.00 Potawatomi Indians Playing Moccasin – a crowd of men playing moccasin (like shell game), 2 women playing at one side in Fulton County, Indiana. $12.00 The Game of Wink – 2 Indian men face each other, competing in a staring contest at Kee-wau-nay’s Village. $12.00 Cards at Kee-wau-nay – Indian men & women playing cards, man playing flute, woman with baby, $12.00 An Indian Group – a man on a horse, a woman & a man, woman with baby, Logansport, June 11, 1837. $12.00 Indian Encampment – group preparing camp, spanceling (hobbling) the horses, near Logansport, 1837. $12.00

Publications Order


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37 E 375 N (just off N. US 31) Rochester, Indiana 46975 ~ Tel: 574-223-4436

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